Friday, November 04, 2005

Writing and Ownership

My thesis was due last Friday (delayed to last Monady) and I have an extension (or, rather, an I-don't-have-it-done) until today. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'll have it done by my deadline today either. For some reason, I just haven't wanted, or been able to, write.

I think that this is due, in part, to the fact that this is my own project (rather than the one I originally started on) which I'd been thinking about for a while before I started my Honours year. As such, I don't feel any sort of obligation to work on it for any purposes other than my own gratification. While this is a good thing by some measures (it's a project that I am interested in, etc., etc.) it is very, very, bad by others (like that fact that I don't feel any particular drive to write about it).

All I know is that I'm well and truly sick of University and computer science. If Honours is a taste of research and a hint of what a Ph.D. is like, then I want nothing to do with either. This used to be fun...